位於城市高空中的 317 套豪華住宅。一望無際的城市天際線、河流與海港美景,在私人住宅中前所未見。波士頓溫斯生態大廈 • 千禧名邸是我們對新一代城市生活的終極暢想,在波士頓前所未見。每一天,您生活的地方,都在讓您更進一步。為您帶去靈感。讓您享受舒適。
Explore this collection of select residences showcasing a variety of floor plan styles and layouts to suit any lifestyle. As Boston’s fastest-selling property, availability is continuously changing; please call 617.542.1555 or register with us to discuss current pricing and availability.
波士頓一年四季的美景,就是您高雅起居室的背景畫。您可以按自己的心意設計房型佈局和景觀視野,讓空間的活力按您的想法流淌。不論是晨間品嘗咖啡,還是黃昏享用佳釀,這個開闊的空間都是如此賞心悅目。需要招待親朋好友? 在這裡,款待的藝術也更上一層樓。這就是您一直期望的城市生活。
An elegant space to entertain or perfect your favorite recipes, this space features next-generation technology at the forefront of energy conservation and food waste reduction. The Wolf induction cooktop uses electric currents to heat pots immediately, through advanced magnetic induction. The pioneering Sub-Zero built-in refrigerator dramatically extends the life of food while using no more energy than a light bulb. The gourmet kitchen also boasts Italian marble and Studio Becker cabinetry.
浴室空間精緻高雅,以義大利大理石裝飾地面,漂亮的瓷磚畫龍點睛。主衛配獨家客製的 Waterworks 浴缸,在忙碌的一天過後,幫助您釋放壓力,讓您沉浸在非凡奢華的體驗之中。Waterworks 設備和 Studio Becker 櫥櫃令整個空間既優美,又實用。