Located in The Club, this private, residents-only fitness destination will activate your inner athlete and elevate you to your highest potential under the direction of Fitness Director Gino Caccavale and his team of expert trainers and coaches. FLX’s wide range of programming supports a full range of goals and modalities, from elite training to quick 30-minute cardiovascular and strength training classes to balance and mobility.
造访设施齐备的私人训练空间,同 FLX 健身专家一起享受挥汗如雨的爽快。或者选择定制插片配重器械,自助开展力量训练。业主还可使用三楼 The Collective 办公俱乐部中另一个面积达 4,497 平方英尺 (418 平方米) 的健身房。
在这个隔音的团体健身房中,FLX 的教练将带领您参加需要较大空间的健身活动,并提供 Barre、Bootcamp 训练营等多种团体课程。
这是波士顿市中心目前仅有的两个竞赛级别长度室内泳池之一 (75 英尺 / 23 米),常年开放。让您在健身锻炼之余,可以一边欣赏令人陶醉的城市风光,一边在水中放松身心。